Tuesday, May 25, 2010


记住:他和你玩暧昧,就是不够喜欢你。男人真喜欢一个人,从眼睛就能看出来,他恨不得栓着你,怎么会忽冷忽热、忽进忽退?是,喜欢肯定有,总要他看着你顺眼才和你暧昧。所以,对暧昧你的男人一定不要多情,就算他常常拉你出来、天天短信、电话 。就算抱过、亲过,也依然不代表什么,什么都不是。不要相信这种男人说的好话。






别玩暧昧, 暧昧不是女人能玩得起的, 别一时冲昏了头,让自己后悔!







Thursday, May 20, 2010


BBQ with all business student in INTI..INCLUDED bechelor of international & bechelor of business administration plus becholor of finance^^
we enjoys the plan and althought the days like wanna rain at that moment between 5-6pm but our ah jing still try their best to help us....really thanks ah jing, boey, maggie, ^^
and most of the peopels came at the 8 pm o clock....we enjoy the joe.....hope this is the good memories for us before graduated ya^^ gambateh to all business students and let's us control the business world in next century..jia you....
just i am useless in drunk..lol....how come how come how come????!!!angry!!!>_<
they all really can drunk leh....
because after the estimated food is wrong..the rests of the food we can't finish still have lots...
so second days we decided to open a steamboat again..wakaka^^
and at the end...before we end up the first days party we continues to planning to genting but becouse of not enough cars, we choose clubbing plan..failure also cause of less peoples agree.....due to recover the " high" after BBQ....at the end we went sing K !!!hahahaha
business students ROCK!!!!!>_<
P/S: ESSPECIALLY international students^^ we rock and roll.....

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

no se no serius^^

sorry, i dont got a clue what to post, i dug out a tag instead.

the answers are b.s crap, my mind is thinking kind of wrong / perv / horny now, sorry (;
just bored & passing my time.
dont take the answers seriously, really. have fun. (:

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
you just need to be good , for me. i'll tease you if you're not, take the hint.

2. Smart?
yes, but not the 'damned-smart-genius-ass' type, really.

3. Preferred age?
same, a little older. never younger, please, i already look old / mature, would you want people to think im your dad?

4. Preferred height?
shorter than me even when you wear high-heels. thats right, i dont want people criticizing your height.

5. How about sense of humor?
hahaha..please i humor people as well

6. How about piercings?
yeah, sure. just not on your face / body / dick. dengan kata yang lain (quote Pn. KLL), only ears acceptable.

7. Accepts you for who you are?
whats the point if you're with me and you dont make me accept?

8. Pink hair?
cool. seriously, do it.i m open minded^^

9. Mushy or no?
not really, maybe, abit. ?

10. Thin or fat?
i tease for both. until you cry.

11. Black, Yellow or White (skin color)?
pale. yeah, go be a vampire.

12. Long hair or short hair?
not so serius for me.....seriusly ....

13. Plastic or metal?
human. wait, no, refer #11. go be a vampire.

14. Smells good?
seriously, you would turn me on.

15. Smoker?
there are better ways to die. i dont mean drugs.

16. Drinker?
drink water. what, u mean beer? you wanna become fat? refer #10. i'll tease you. til you cry.

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
go buy my neighbour's house, then you'll be that type.

18. Muscular?
to show off, and when you get old, they turn into fats.

19. Plays piano?
if you're into classical songs, to play for me, sure.

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?

21. Plays violin?

22. Sings very good?
sing for me to sleep, sure.

23. Vain?
dont perasan please.

24. With glasses?
cute / nerdy look. nice.

25. With braces?
look at the bright side, you gonna have nice teeth in the future.

26. Shy type?
i dislike shy. even what the way i move u can get it if you are my interesting girl...

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
good girl, really. bad girls make me feel hot, but seriously.

28. Active or passive?
active, especially in bed. im just kidding.^^

29. Tight or bomb?
tight underwear, is sexy....kidding

30. Singer or dancer?
pole dancing

31. Stunner?
wanna stun me so i become numb? yeah.

32. Hiphop?

33. Earrings?
for girl.....?depend

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-boy/girlfriends-until-you-drop?
if we ever count that, count me in too.

35. Dimples?
go pierce it, it'll look damn sexy. kidding, refer #6, i'll pull it right off your face.

36. Bookworm?
for girls, you'll look like a pussy reading fiction. try playgirl magazines.

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
now, why cant you tell me meaningful & romantic lines in my face? really.

38. Playful?
go play with yourself, i get too tired, sometimes.

39. Flirt?
go flirt with my dad.

40. Poem writer?
if the poem makes sense, you probably got it off the internet.

41. Serious?
why so serious? but at times you should be serious, please dont be an asshole.

42. Campus crush?
dont think so.

43. Painter?

44. Religious?
no comment. wait, no, i have lots to say, i just dont want to offend anyone.

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
go ahead, i just hope no one breaks your face / dick.

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
play games with me, not the computer, geek. you dont need to be a freak for internet porn, im right here.

47. Speaks 20 languages?
who cares, you can go speak to aliens, but the most important language you will never understand = guy/men language.

48. Loyal or faithful?
i'll be if you are.

49. Good kisser?
saliva, yum.

50. Loves children?
do you want them? if you do, you better.


Monday, May 17, 2010

lose.....in the road( life)

IN a competition, life, compete in business, compete in LOVE, compete with times, compete what ever in your's life even your self.....i am sure you face with many " lose " this word! is ok.....

in this life? no ! in this world....human can became the crown of creation, one of the reason is just because human have a characteristic included compete...every person compete all around the world even until last minute until you die...still compete if possible...

i give an example with malaysia player compete with lin dan(china's player)....from a competition....lose and win doesn't matter but when you lose u must adapt the part of wrong and improve so don't repeat the same thing in the coming competiton .

we growth, we mature, we accept unperfect, accept lose but we must change after we fail, we lose and we injury. AS a small kid, he fall down but he wake up their self meant he still strunggle in the unpressure....but for us we must learn or even accept what is adaptable in the changing situation, changing life and changing challenging world^^

p/s lose doesn't meant everything but learn from lose is principle of holding own future life.

Friday, May 14, 2010

for the people who really hurt before........(ps time is short) be dare to in love

as we know, now a days many people strive for the own love, own lover and own future happyness....what can i said!!!?

ennnn...let's talk about the love situation,
1) have people just because of bored and find some one not really love to cover the bored.....
(i don't mention this is right or wrong but i know if happyness why don't give a chance to cover the impossible waiting time to be in love?? remember time is short!!! i don't wanna wait for true true true love but only true love.....For me, i protect the girl i like, be very fond of the girl i wanna love and be pantient to listen to the girl i favorite^^ that's enough for me.....

second situation is when he or she is really hurt about the previous love situation, he or she will hover in the waiting he or she coming back to their life but he or she know even he or she back to their nearest, he or she won't give a chance just because the pain is really hard to cover.....why when you know this is all the ways u wanna did? why don't give the chance to pubilc for loving your self more? try to clear your's self no matter you are guy or girl.....LOVE is for happyness don't watse your time in this short life, it won't return again and the most important thing is you may lose the current people who really care for you and he or she is waiting the chance to give you all he or she have......^^

P/S : life is short....try to be in happyness.......god bless you ....and klemend here to thanks you read my note^^ for own judment..you can argue with me^^

Thursday, May 13, 2010


i will take double degree in international business and marketing
so, if i am not wrong this sep 2010 i will fly to london further study my years 3 degree^^
but i still considering, for me i am not worry about the financial problem just the ways they study really maked me feel uncomfortable at all..how to discribe this feeling,>_<
is really feel confused to make decision T.T
FROM my research, study in this university must totally different with how the ways u studies in inti UC
BUT i will make decision within this weeks....just wait my answer ya....i wont regrect in my life and wont blame any one..coz i plan study master there if possible

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

malaysia vs japan

6pm is malaysia vs japan....where else i gonna watch this match???

haha>>dinning hall i thinks^^

coz here are the place i like to hang around and say hi to college friends...

and i wish malaysia can win japan with 4-1

MALAYSIA boleh what!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

new ways thinking


目标是定下来的......方法是活的...看你用什么方式去达成...当然最重要的 是毅力.....!!!加油!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


happy mother's day tomorrow^^

wish my mumi will happpy and young forever.......